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Small silicon Pad | Underlay for Bongs | Ø:170mm | Umber

This small silicon Pad is an underlay for your Bong, used to protect it from slipping due to vibrations. It comes as a single piece.

  • Dimensions: Ø:170mm
  • Color: Umber

Small silicon Pad | Underlay for Bongs | Ø:170mm | Blue

This small silicon Pad is an underlay for your Bong, used to protect it from slipping due to vibrations. It comes as a single piece.

  • Dimensions: Ø:170mm
  • Color: Umber

Small silicon Pad | Underlay for Bongs | Ø:170mm | White

This small silicon Pad is an underlay for your Bong, used to protect it from slipping due to vibrations. It comes as a single piece.

  • Dimensions: Ø:170mm
  • Color: White

Small silicon Pad | Underlay for Bongs | Ø:170mm | Green

This small silicon Pad is an underlay for your Bong, used to protect it from slipping due to vibrations. It comes as a single piece.

  • Dimensions: Ø:170mm
  • Color: Green