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pH Perfect® Sensi Coco Grow

Advanced Nutrients

29 200 

Sensi Coco Grow is a ph perfect coco coir friendly base nutrient that promotes healthy pH in plants, as well as bigger, juicier, aromatic, and potent flowers.

pH Perfect® Sensi Coco Grow by Advanced Nutrients’ is a ph perfect coco coir friendly base nutrient that promotes healthy pH in plants, as well as bigger, juicier, aromatic, and potent flowers.
pH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow also ensures your coco coir based plants will get all of the nutrients they need, bypassing the nutrient deficiencies coco coir growers experience.

  • Contains parts (A & B)
  • Balances pH
  • Promotes healthy nutrition in plants
  • Helps grow bigger, juicer, more potent flowers

See more from Advanced Nutrients


part A ↕ 1 Liter, part A ↕ 4 L, part A ↕500 ml, part B ↕ 1 Liter, part B ↕ 4 L, part B ↕500 ml

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