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B-52® Advanced Nutrients

Advanced Nutrients

34 450 

B-52® promotes root growth, allowing your plant to absorb the primary and micronutrients a thriving yield needs. B-52 is mainly geared towards strengthening and feeding clones, seedlings, vegetative plants and blooming plants.

B-52 promotes root growth, allowing your plant to absorb the primary and micronutrients a thriving yield needs. It’s mainly geared towards strengthening and feeding clones, seedlings, vegetative plants and blooming plants. B-52 is specially designed for use with all hydroponic growing media, including coco coir, as well as continuous liquid-feed growing systems such as aeroponics, flood and drain, and deep water culture.

  • Enhances root growth
  • Can be used in a variety of systems types
  • Enriched with B1 vitamins

1 Liter, 250 ml, 4 L, 500 ml

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