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Advanced Nutrients set Piranha, Tarantula, Voodoo Juice 1L

Original price was: 349 ₾.Current price is: 269 ₾.

Advanced Nutrients Set: Piranha, Tarantula, Voodoo Juice 1L – Special Offer for Those Who Want to Get What They Need More Easily and Affordably!

Advanced Nutrients Set: Piranha, Tarantula, Voodoo Juice 1L – Special Offer for Those Who Want to Get What They Need More Easily and Affordably!

This set includes additives that enhance plant health and promote stronger growth.

Piranha® is a 100% organic root fertilizer containing 24 different types of beneficial bacteria that stimulate root system growth and improve overall efficiency. With its use, root volume can increase by up to 700%, meaning nutrient absorption capability improves sevenfold.

Piranha prevents root decay and protects the plant from pests and pathogens. A well-developed root system also ensures a healthier plant, leading to more abundant flowers and fruit production.

Tarantula® is a 100% organic root booster that significantly increases yield. Each gram of Tarantula contains up to 10 million beneficial bacteria, making it the most potent liquid root-enhancing microbial solution available on the market.

Voodoo Juice® is a liquid plant and root booster that accelerates growth and maximizes harvest potential in a shorter time. This additive utilizes carefully selected beneficial microbes to break down old, damaged roots and convert them into plant-available nutrients.

With 50 billion beneficial microbes per liter, Voodoo Juice increases root mass by up to 90%, ensuring optimal plant development and higher yields.

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