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Humboldt Seeds
high thc
Indica Feminized


Out of stock

  • Genetics: Forum Cut x Caramel Cream
  • Variety: Indica
  • Photoperiodic Flowering: 55 Days, Sept.25th-Oct.10th
  • Flavor / Taste / Smell:  Nutty, Toffee, Gas
  • Effect: Super Stoney
  • %THC: 22-26%
  • Characteristics: Upright Growth Habits, Dense Nugs

Fortune Cookie do grow on trees in Humboldt and if there’s a company that knows what strains will make you feel fortunate, it’s us.

The Fortune strain has been in the oven here at Humboldt Seed for a long time. This is the product of six years of breeding work, starting with Forum Cut and Emerald Fire OG, then Caramel Cream, eventually leading to the discovery and stabilization of the Fortune Cookie phenotype in seed form.

Expect plants with upright growth habits and dense frosty nuggets with a gassy terpene profile. With potency that’s loaded with trichomes, Fortune Cookies is guaranteed to leave both producers and consumers highly satisfied!

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