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Green Crack Auto

Hybrid Autoflower
THC 14-22%


In stock

If you’re aiming for some seriously powerful autoflower harvests then Green Crack Auto should definitely be in your seed collection!

Green Crack Auto – If you’re aiming for some seriously powerful autoflower harvests then Green Crack Auto should definitely be in your seed collection!

Taking about 11 weeks from seed to harvest this sativa-dominant autoflower produces genuinely rare potency levels alongside an uncomplicated grow experience. The sativa genetics can mean slightly more stretch than your average auto, this will suit those who enjoy harvesting large plants around (and maybe just over) a metre tall. Connoisseur autoflower growers will love the deep, rich skunk scents which give these firm, frosted buds excellent bag appeal with a penetrating and pungent aroma.





🚀 THC:

🦋 CBD:





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