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Moby Dick Auto-Ghetto ™

Ghetto Seeds
Sativa Autoflower


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Moby Dick Auto is a sativa-dominant strain derived from a fairly popular and powerful parent genetics. It is characterized by a rather distinctive effect which is simultaneously
high up to 17% THC and, 5% + CBD.

Moby Dick Auto is a sativa-dominant strain, originating from powerful and popular parent genetics. With its unique blend of high THC up to 17% and 5%+ CBD, it delivers a distinctive and potent effect. Although not a high-yielding strain,.Moby Dick Auto produces an adequate amount of buds up to 200 g/m² in just 75 days from seeding. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience the intense and unique effects of Moby Dick Auto.

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🚀 THC:

🦋 CBD:








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