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Northern Lights  Auto Seedsman

Indica Autoflower
ძალიან მაღალი Thc


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Northern Lights Auto was created by crossing Northern Lights with a ruderalis strain to add auto-flowering properties. It is a robust and resistant Indica-dominant hybrid producing high levels of THC and good yields.

Northern Lights  Auto was created by crossing Northern Lights with a ruderalis strain to add auto-flowering properties. It is a robust and resistant Indica-dominant hybrid producing high levels of THC and good yields.

Like most auto strains, it grows well in all growing environments. Indoor, it grows to 80 – 110 cm. tall with its flowering cycle completed in 55 – 60 days, following a 2 – 4 week vegetative growth period, and producing about 500 gr/m2 when given 18/20 hours of light per 24. Outdoor plants grow a little taller, 80 – 150 cm, and produce up to 200 gr/plant. Two outdoor harvests per season are perfectly possible in all but higher latitudes, with three being possiblein Mediterranean regions, especially if starting each successive crop before the previous one is finished.

It is very straightforward to cultivate, preferring moderate levels of slow-release fertilizer. It has good resistance to fungus, plant diseases, and pests. Towards the end of its life a range of green, blue and purple shades will both surprise and delight growers.



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