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propagator AIRED MINI GROW BOX RIGID • საჩითილე კონტეინერი


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Mini grow box or propagator with entrance for adjustable aeration. the desired climate for germination of seeds or propagation of taleas.


Mini grow box or propagator with entrance for adjustable aeration. Thanks to it, we can have the desired climate for germination of seeds or propagation of taleas. It has the bottom alveolused for the disposition of rockwool cubes and jiffys. Built in rigid plast to last for so much time.

Main characteristics:

1: Mini grow box in ultra-resistant rigid plastic
2: For indoor and outdoor germination
3: It keeps a high humidity rate
4: Natural aeration entrances
5: Cover in trasparent plastic
6: Pierced bottom to avoid stagnation of water
7: Higher to put clones and taleas

Some adjustments for the germination with mini grow box

Keep humid the soil of germination to have a high humidity rate. We suggest the use of a root stimulator to increase the chances of success.

Some adjustments to clone the mother plant

Do a net cut with sterilized scissors or scalpel. Use a good root stimulator to increase talea’s roots. Keep the humidity rate high and put a vegetative light (6400°K). Use a neon kit for cultivation.

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