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for sale

Strawberry Lemonade Feminised

Barney's Farm EN
Sativa Feminized

Original price was: 40 ₾.Current price is: 34 ₾.

In stock

Strawberry Lemonade is the latest exciting strain to come from Barney’s Farm. It was created from a cross of the Sativa-dominant
Strawberry strain with Barney’s own Lemon OG.

This 60% Sativa strain has high THC evels, therapeutic properties, and a great fruity taste
making this one you won’t want to miss out on!
Strawberry Lemonade can be grown successfully indoors and outdoors. Indoors, it grows to 120 – 150 cm. tall flowering in 60 – 70 days with
great yields of up to 700 gr/m2. Outdoors it can grow to be 250 cm. tall with northern hemisphere harvests being ready in the first
half of October with incredible yields of up to 2500 gr. This is a strain that is pretty straightforward to grow,
with a good resistance to some common pathogens (botrytis cinerea and powdery mildew), cold, and pests such as spider mites.





🚀 THC:

🦋 CBD:


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