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Advanced Nutrients Starter kit (Sensi)

Advanced Nutrients


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Advanced Nutrients Starter kit  -Cultivate a successful harvest that impresses growers, nutrient system designed specifically for your cannabis plants.

Advanced Nutrients Starter kit-Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • SENSI GROW: A&B Feed your plants the exact nutrients they need for robust vegetation and prime them for a flourishing harvest.
  • SENSI BLOOM: A&B This two-part base nutrient system provides comprehensive nutrition for a bountiful bloom phase.
  • BUD CANDY: Promote explosive bursts of sugar-coated buds when you feed your plants Bud Candy, the industry’s leading horticultural carbohydrates formula.
  • BIG BUD: This legendary bloom booster provides customized ratios of phosphorus and potassium to unlock bigger yields.
  • OVERDRIVE®: Overdrive® is a late-season bloom booster engineered to reinvigorate flower late in the game for swelling buds packed with potency.
  • VOODOO JUICE: Bigger roots mean bigger fruits. Hand-selected microbes promote a robust root system, which is crucial for getting dense, resin-coated colas.
  • B-52: B-52 contains vitamin B1 and other ingredients that allow the plant to focus its energy on developing sturdy stalks and bigger buds.
  • Bonus #1: Recipe Chart
  • Bonus #2: Measuring Cups
  • Bonus #3: Gloves
  • Bonus #4: Trichome Magnifier
  • Bonus #5: Droppers
  • Bonus #6: Sticker Pack

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