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FinalPart ✔ Ripen

Terra Aquatica GHE


FinalPart® is a complete late flowering nutrient/stimulant requiring no additional boosters. It increases flowering and production of active principles, and eliminates nutrient excess.

FinalPart acts in 3 ways:

  • It sends the plant a strong signal that it is coming to the end of its life; this prompts the plant to accelerate the ripening process.
  • It forces the plant to strengthen its defences and thus increase essential oil and active principle production.
  • It delivers all the mineral salts the plants need in a form that is easy to assimilate: in case of a previous accumulation of nitrate or microelements,
    this helps metabolize residues, which improves taste.

As a “forcing solution“, FinalPart® can be used in any circumstance where you need to control or enhance ripening, and at the end of every flowering/fruiting
cycle of annual flowers and fruits to maximise yield and flavour intensity.

Outdoors, FinalPart® enables you to quickly harvest a  crop before it is spoiled by cold and damp weather. Indoors, it helps you harmonise the end of the grow
cycle by speeding up the ripening of the slowest plants or varieties. And in case of a severe infestation of fungi or insects, it can allow you to accelerate the natural
cycle and recover something out of a crop that would otherwise be completely lost.


1 Liter, 10 L, 100 ml, 250 ml *not original bottle, 5 L, 50 ml, 500 ml

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