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Calibration solution for PH 4.01 – 7.00 – 10.01

– Prepare three glasses with 250 ml of distilled water each
– Empty the 7.00 solution into the first glass, the 4.01 into the second glass, 10.01 into the third glass
– Shake slightly to dissolve the calibration solutions
– Turn on the instrument
– ​​Immerse the electrode in the buffer solution with pH 7.00 (at a temperature of 25°C)
– Press the Cal key, the digital display starts flashing, when it stops the calibration at pH 7.00 is completed
– Rinse the electrode with distilled water and dry it with soft paper
– Immerse the electrode in the buffer solution with pH 4.01
– Press the Cal key twice, the digital display starts flashing, when it stops the calibration at pH 4.01 is completed
“Rinse the electrode with distilled water and dry it with soft paper
“Immerse the electrode in the buffer solution with pH 10.01, wait a few seconds for it to stabilize; if the calibration was done correctly the display will show a pH of 10.01.

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