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წყალგაუმტარი ph/temp ტესტერი • Waterproof pH-TEMP Tester


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Fast, stable and precise, these testers are for users that require the greatest accuracy. Simple user-replaceable pH/Temp probe:
just unscrew the plastic ring on the top of the electrode and replace it with a new one!

pH Fast, stable and precise, these teტესტერ
sters are for users that require the greatest accuracy. Simple user-replaceable
pH/Temp probe: just unscrew the plastic ring on the top of the electrode and replace it with a new one!

2 rows display LCD (reads both pH and temperature measurements) and built-in HOLD function that freezes
the display for easy and accurate recording.

Other features such as stability indicator, automatic calibration and automatic temperature compensation make these waterproof
pocket testers a must-have in a variety of industries. The modular design allows to replace the electrode in a fast and simple way.

Supplied complete with

Supplied in a carton box complete with protective cap, calibration solution in sachets (pH7 and pH4, 20 ml each), 4 x 1.5V batteries and user manual.

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