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pH Perfect® Sensi Grow

Advanced Nutrients

29 200 

Sensi Grow A+B ph Perfect. This two-part base nutrient is engineered with precise NPK ratios for a flourishing grow phase, ideal amounts of iron and sulfur for optimal nitrogen uptake, as well as super-absorptive chelation and a non-ionic surfactant, ensuring your crop enjoys perfect conditions and the well-balanced nutrition they need to thrive throughout their entire grow phase.

Sensi Grow A+B ph Perfect. This two-part base nutrient is engineered with precise NPK ratios for a flourishing grow phase, ideal amounts of iron and sulfur for optimal nitrogen uptake, as well as super-absorptive chelation and a non-ionic surfactant, ensuring your crop enjoys perfect conditions and the well-balanced nutrition they need to thrive throughout their entire grow phase.
All while proprietary pH Perfect® Technology unchains you from pens and meters for good.

  • Precise ratios of micro, macro, and secondary nutrient conditions your plants for robust growth
  • Metal amino acid complexes offer optional conditions to increase absorption of micronutrients
  • Patented pH Perfect® Technology locks pH in its sweet spot
  • Humic acid derived from leonardite provides conditions for better chelation

pH Perfect® Sensi Grow is specially designed for use with diverse hydroponic growing media and all continuous liquid-feed
growing systems such as aeroponics, drip irrigation and emitters, NFT, flood and drain, and deep water culture.

See more from Advanced Nutrients


part A ↕ 1 Liter, part A ↕ 10 L, part A ↕ 4 L, part A ↕ 5 L, part A ↕500 ml, part B ↕ 1 Liter, part B ↕ 10 L, part B ↕ 4 L, part B ↕ 5 L, part B ↕500 ml

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