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Autopot hydrophonic 1 pot system



მხოლოდ 3 ცალია მარაგში

1x 12.4 Gallon Reservoir, Lid & Grommet
1x 3/8″ Golf Filter Kit
1x 1Pot Grommeted Tray & Lid
1x 3.9 gal or 2.2 gal pot (black or white)
1x 3/8″ Inline Tap
1x AQUAvalve5
1x Root Control Square
5ft of 3/8″ Black Pipe

Autopot hydrophonic 1 pot system –

The 1Pot System is extremely versatile and can be used for a wide range of plant types and sizes. Seasonal flowering plants and perennial shrubs thrive and produce an abundance of blooms and foliage because of the unique action of the AQUAvalve5, which is designed to allow the plant to go through a wet & dry cycle.

The 1Pot System is easily extended so many pots can be linked to a single reservoir. Please see examples of typical layouts using 3/8″ pipe or 1/2” pipe in the image gallery. The pots & trays can be easily moved at will, if the plants grow too large they can be spaced further apart with ease. Once set up and a reservoir is filled with water & liquid feed this extremely versatile system will completely take care of all your plants needs.

If you do not want to use a drainage layer of clay pebbles, hydroton or perlite No3 at the bottom of your pot, consider adding AirBases.

If you want to add extra oxygen to your root zone, consider adding AirDome



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