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Ghetto’s OG Kush Gift pack

THC: 24% CBD: <1%
Height: Indoor 110 CM | Outdoor 130CM Mostly Indica
Yield Outdoor: 300gr/plant Genetics: BF Super Auto X Chemdawg X Lemon Thai X Hindu Kush
Yield Indoor: 550gr/m2 Flavor: Citric , Diesel , Kush , Wood , Hot spicy , Pine , Earth
Flowering: 10-12 Weeks Effect: Lucid brain, Pleasant, Relaxing, Socializer

OG Kush Auto is an Indica-dominant hybrid with a 75-day flowering cycle and THC levels of 20-24%. It delivers deep relaxation and calming effects, making it ideal for stress relief, pain management, and sleep support. With earthy, piney flavors, it thrives indoors (90-110cm, up to 550g/m²) and outdoors (90-120cm, 200-300g/plant), offering high yields and ease of cultivation for growers of all levels.

მიმოხილვები ჯერ არ არის.

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