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20 55 

*** 2+1 ***

White Shark Auto is a mostly Indica autoflower with 10–12% THC and up to 1% CBD, offering calming, body-relaxing effects and a mood-lifting high. It grows to 1.5 meters tall, yielding 450–550 g/m² indoors and 350–450 g/plant outdoors in just 8–10 weeks. Perfect for pain relief, insomnia, and stress, its earthy, skunky, and spicy flavors come from a potent terpene mix including Alpha-Pinene, Myrcene, and Limonene. A great choice for beginners, this strain delivers medium yields and manageable potency, making it an ideal all-rounder for any grower.

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იყავით პირველი შემფასებელი: „WHITE SHARK AUTO“

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