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ZEUS 600W PRO 2.9 – LED Full Spectrum F



მხოლოდ 1 ცალია მარაგში

The new 2.9 line of Lumatek Zeus is built using high quality Lumatek drivers and latest generation higher efficiency top bin LEDs from Lumileds and Osram, generating a full-spectrum light source ideal for veg and flowering cycles.

Another new feature of this line is the Clear Glue protection cover technology on the LED bars; resulting in higher light transmittance of 99% without light loss, extended lifetime of diodes, extra corrosion resistance and high waterproof of IP65. For basic maintenance, simply clean the bars with wet cotton.

EFFICACY: up to 2.9 µmol/J
PPF: 1770 µmol/s
INPUT VOLTAGE: 220-240V, 50-60Hz
INPUT POWER: 615W (±5%)
FOOTPRINT: 1.4×1.4m
LIFETIME: +60 000 hrs
WEIGHT: 13.5 Kg
DIMENSIONS: 1091×1182.4×51.9mm
SPECTRUM: Full Spectrum F

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