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გასახვევი ქაღალდი მზა | Blunt Cones | Natural OGK 2x

New Collection

Original price was: 12 ₾.Current price is: 9.12 ₾.

მხოლოდ 2 ცალია მარაგში

Introducing the exclusive G-Rollz herbal blunt cones. These blunts are made with a blend of chamomile, yerba mate and a hint of cacao, infused with bud derived terpenes. A true tobacco alternative. Available in 5 flavors to satisfy every preference.

Each air-tight glass tube contains 2 blunt cones (featuring the G-Rollz patented cone protector for protection and easy filling). One display contains 12 glass tubes, shelf-ready for your stores.

Tobacco & nicotine free.

Flavor: Natural OGK

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