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Auto Alpujarreña Pyramid Seeds

Pyramid Seeds Barcelona
Indica Autoflower



Variety: Indica
Genetics: Alpujarras
Smell: Sweet
Crop : Indoor yield 600 gr/m2
THC:  17%
Indoor flowering: 50-55 days
Outdoor flowering: September

Auto Alpujarreña is the latest generation autoflowering phenotype, born from the renowned Alpujarreña strain. This variety remarkably combines almost all the qualities of its photoperiod predecessor, offering growers a new level of convenience without significant loss of characteristics.

Its sweet flavor and strong aroma, characteristic of Indica, make Auto Alpujarreña a standout in its class. These features highlight the depth and richness of taste, providing a saturated and memorable aromatic profile.

In open ground, Auto Alpujarreña shows impressive adaptability, reaching over 80 cm in height when planted during the period of maximum insolation. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to maximize the growth and yield of their plants in natural conditions.

For indoor cultivation, it is recommended to place up to 20 plants per square meter, allowing them to exceed 1.50 meters in height. Maintaining a regime of 18 hours of light to 6 hours of darkness throughout the cycle promotes optimal development and flowering, allowing the plants to fully realize their potential.

Auto Alpujarreña is the perfect choice for those seeking a reliable, high-yielding, and easy-to-grow strain. It combines the best qualities of Alpujarreña with the advantages of autoflowering genetics, offering a unique experience for both novices and experienced cultivators.

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