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San Fernando Autoflower

Ghetto Seeds
2024 Collection
THC: 14%-20%

Original price was: 20 ₾.Current price is: 20 ₾.

*** 2+1 ***

🚀THC: 20%
🦋CBD: 0.5%
🏠Indoor: 250-300/gr/m2
🌞Outdoor: 550-600gr/plant
🌸Flowering: 8-9 Weeks

The strain resulting from the cross between a SFV OG x Afghani x Ruderalis will produce a hybrid strain Mostly Indica. The strain will likely have a Citrus, Pine flavor with a strong Mostly Indica body high. It also has a Medium THC 14% – 20%, making it a great choice for those looking for a strong and relaxing experience. The San Fernando Valley Autoflower is a cross between SFV OG x Afghani x Ruderalis, resulting in a strain with a Citrus, Pine flavor, as well as potent Creative, Energetic, Uplifted effects and a combination of cannabis flower, cannabis concentrate, and terpenes. The terpenes found in San Fernando Valley Autoflower are to include Alpha Cedrene, Alpha-Terpineol, Borneol, Camphene, which are known for their Arthritis, Insomnia, Pain properties.

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იყავით პირველი შემფასებელი: „San Fernando Autoflower“

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